So, therefore, nothing much to show you this week. Still researching Kali, but that's still at the notes phase and no sketches as of yet. It's forming in my head, though.
I'm itching to photograph people again, too. Trying to figure out how to make that happen, as people certainly aren't approaching me for it. I may have to pay someone through Model Mayhem again. I know a photographer in Salem now who does regular photo sessions with models at this studio and invites others to shoot with him, but thus far these sessions have been a little pricey for me. The next job had better pay more, I can say that for sure.
Here's one shot at least. Monday night at the dance night that I regularly DJ at, "Ceremony," we had a theme night based on the Mad Max films, which made for some interesting outfits to say the least. We had another person as the "official" photographer, but I got a shot of one of our DJs that night. I saw the dramatic lighting on one of the walls and couldn't resist.
I didn't volunteer for this job, as for one I don't do so good at nightclub shots, lighting-wise, and also I'm not the best at approaching random people for their photo. But, truth be told, I did pretty good at just that at a recent steampunk festival.

I also still need to get into more gallery shows, with older works, alas, if I have to curtail new creations for awhile. Going to look at one now that has a deadline of tonight.
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