Wednesday, April 8, 2015


As stated last week, I've decided that a primary focus right now is to update my woefully outdated main website. I can't recall when the last update was, but it's definitely been more than ten years. And Google Analytics have not-so-subtly told me that it is definitely not smartphone-friendly right now, so the writing is on the wall.

Coding is not my forte to say the least. I made the previous two versions by cutting and pasting HTML code from site designs that I liked and learned a thing or two about updating them from there, but not enough to be able to make one from scratch. I've made a placeholder for now, but even that took the better part of an evening, and it's still not exactly as I'd like it. I wanted the image to stay in the center of the page. If anybody knows how to fix this, please let me know, even though this is a temporary page.

Part of the problem, with this and other things in my life, is that I'm a collector of information, but soon it piles up and I often don't get to read most of it. My to-read pile of books is crazy, yet I still get drawn into bookstores. I've saved plenty of info about websites, now it's time to sort through it. I'd like to get this done by month's end if possible. I am thinking that I'll probably try and choose a Wordpress design and go from there.


  1. For portfolio style sites, you might also check out Wix and Squarespace templates. I see a lot of artists' websites every year with the incoming batch of grad student applicants, and those seem to be the big ones for folks who don't code and don't have money to have a site built from scratch, but need a web presence with a range of different media to share. I went with a Wix template on my current costume portfolio and author sites

    1. I've heard mixed things about Wix. Since I already have a domain name and host, I want a site design that I can just upload to it.
