You can make plans all you want, but then things happen to screw things up...
I've been waylaid from the creative path again, some new reasons, some old, the obvious one being atmosphere. Still the apartment/studio search is dragging. The fact that searching for an apartment or a job (and I'm seriously leaning towards looking for a new one, my current one is no good for my physical and mental health, I know this after returning from a week's vacation and the aches and pains returned almost all on the first day) is a second job itself does not make me eager to do it. Started to visit some realtors, but finding either too many places closed (on a Saturday??) or nothing I can afford. It's a paradox that I'm seeking a place closer to work when I don't plan on staying there anyways. And after a day full of disappointment, it takes a lot for me to keep slogging away at it.
That said, there are two upcoming events where I'll be showing artwork. Details closer to their times.
Most of my creativity seems to be going towards using my camera. It's basically a point and shoot digital, but there's enough control with it so I can tweak the results. I try not to use flash ever, for one thing. I post the best ones on my flickr page.