Wednesday, March 31, 2010

:forward into the past 11:

I went to a LOT of concerts in the 90s. I also did my best at photographing at many of them, often using the photos as the basis for drawings that went along with my show reviews in 'zines. This was from a Julee Cruise show, which of course happened at the height of the "Twin peaks" craze. Even without the TV show, I loved the album "Floating into the Night." I wore out my original cassette of it.

This is scratchboard based on a photo I took at the show.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

:forward into the past 10:

Here's what I put on top of my graduation cap (gulp, 20 freakin' years ago), using just cut paper. At least I wasn't an architecture student, they had buildings balancing on their heads.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

:forward into the past 9:

I did a fair amount of illustrations for 'zines (you know, what we had before the Web) in the early 90s. This one was on the cover of one from Worcester called "SPUN." (Instead of "SPIN," geddit?) It's entitled "the Last Swimsuit Issue."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

:forward into the past 8:

The best thing about art school for me was getting to try many different media. Some worked for me, some not so much. Loved photography, didn't enjoy developing so much - mainly because I had to find time around classes to do it and when the labs were available. Liked silk screening, but usually my prints devolved beyond the first one, so so much for multiple editions.