Wednesday, April 3, 2013

:constant renewal:

Most people look to the start of a new year to think of how to move forward or improve themselves. I've been doing my best to do it every new month, to see where I was (or wasn't) and hopefully improve on that in the new one. Naturally for me that includes creativity.

The past month wasn't a good one for me, barring some photography, and I had to go out and seek subjects in that case. I've been digging through boxes, finding the archaeology of my past, and I'm sure I'll get more of that up here. Trying to see where I'm going from where I've been. Maybe I do that too much as it is.

At least I've kept up my New Year's promise of the sketch-a-day book. Some days they aren't very interesting, and some nights they're done just before midnight (haven't done today's yet!), but the point, I keep telling myself, is just to get out down on paper. I didn't used to have to be so insistent with myself about this. I wonder when and where that first changed.

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you still have your older sketch pad diaries. It's both a window to the past and as you said in a previous post... a trove of ideas for the future.
